How can we thrive in this mess?
What in the world are we going to do to stay sane, healthy and positive?
As the news of more closures, cancellations and quarantines from the Covid-19 virus increase we need as much encouragement and help to make it day by day. We want to be a resource for you in your fitness, mindset, health and even nutritional needs.
Morning Mindset
The outcome of our day can be determined by what we think and feel. This starts the moment you wake up. A great practice that Steve and I often go through during the morning is from our Law of Attraction Planner.
Here are some examples:
What am I HAPPY about in my life right now?
What am I GRATEFUL for in my life right now?
What help or GUIDANCE can I ask for today?
You can download the full 10 questions at Morning Mindset
These questions along with our daily scripture reading and prayer has really shaped us on how we go about each day. We all have crazy circumstances that come up each day. We also have the power to choose how we respond.
-Thoughts shape our Feelings
-Our Feelings affect our Actions
-Our Actions will Determine our Results
We encourage you to take captive every thought and shape your day into something positive, loving and impactful.
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Ginger Pear Smoothie- this is delish!
1 ripe pear, chopped and seeded
1½ cup almond milk, unsweetened
1 packed cup baby spinach
2 tbsp chia seeds
1 tsp fresh ginger, peeled and minced
2 scoops of Shaklee Vanilla or Strawberry Life Shake
Blend in blender with 1/2 cup of ice until smooth & enjoy!
Guest author: Carolyn Burke of Sleep Advisor shares with us How Vital is Sleep
When you are busy with work, school, or family responsibilities, it’s easy to make sleep your last priority. You might go to bed later or wake up earlier than usual, or even pull an “all-nighter” in an attempt to get everything done. Or you might even put off going to bed just because you want to do something else, like watching TV or reading.
The thing is, all of that lost sleep isn’t good for you. Sleep deprivation (when you don’t get enough sleep) and sleep deficiency (when you don’t get the right kind of sleep or the quality is poor) has some serious consequences for your overall health and well-being. Even if you eat well and get plenty of exercise, if you aren’t sleeping, you’re not going to be healthy.
Why Sleep Matters
Almost everyone has experienced sleep deprivation or deficiency at some point in their lives. Stress, illness, a new baby, too much caffeine — there are many reasons that you could have disrupted sleep. ........Continue Reading HERE.