Your Birthday 🎉 My Birthday
When is your birthday? If you haven't added that to your Shaklee profile, CLICK HERE and I'll get that added for you. This February I turned 50 and this month Steve had his 50th, too. A Half Century!
Grateful to receive my FREE Shaklee Gift in the mail with my order. Even if you haven't ordered in awhile, place a $100 order in your bday month and you'll get this gift added. These chewable C's are yummy, and you can keep these in a bowl on your kitchen counter and your kids (& Hubby) will think they are candy. 😜
Toxic-Free Quarantine - Earth Day 2020
We are all home these days more than ever before! Did you know, according to the World Health Organization, household air pollution is one of the world’s greatest environmental health risks?😳
Shaklee Stimulus Plan - Earn $1,000 - Thursday, April 9th Event
In these unprecedented times Shaklee has made an unprecedented commitment to help the millions of people looking for extra income – The Shaklee Stimulus Plan.
This last weekend I learned about a way to make $1000 guaranteed working from anywhere. They shared an exact blueprint and game plan of how to do it. We've been blown away by the interest from others in earning this extra income as well as needing products to improve their health and boost immunity. We're so grateful Shaklee is and has been the leading force for health and positive change throughout the last 100 years and TODAY!
How can we thrive in this mess?
What in the world are we going to do to stay sane, healthy and positive?
As the news of more closures, cancellations and quarantines from the Covid-19 virus increase we need as much encouragement and help to make it day by day. We want to be a resource for you in your fitness, mindset, health and even nutritional needs.
We are Thankful for You!
This is one of Steve's and my favorite holidays. Gratitude drives so much of our life as we look back on where we have come from and what we have gone through. We are thankful for God's grace and we're thankful for friends and family. We're grateful for you! Our prayer is that you are enjoying the day off, connecting with friends and family. We look forward to how our paths will connect again in the near future.
Ideas for Navigating your Next Holiday Party
Thanksgiving is less than 7 days away. Our last CU football Tailgate is 2 days away. Christmas parties numbering the 100’s will be flowing in and out of our schedule the next 30 days. How are you going to survive and not put on the Holiday Pudge Pack?
Here is a simple photo blog of some really helpful tips on how to survive your next holiday part.
Be committed to your health, your goals and don’t let the food pressure take you down.
Earth Day - Go Green
Changing Brands.....Can Change Your Life
12 years ago I miraculously was cured from asthma that I had since I was 8 years old. There was no wonder drug & no lung treatment at the hospital. It was a simple changing brands of our household cleaning products to Shaklee's Get Clean Line. It changed my life. I have been inhaler and asthma free for over 12 years.
Spring has Sprung - Healthy tips for living
Just 10 days ago we turned the calendar from Winter to Spring. After a cold winter in Colorado I'm ready for longer days, warmer temps and the sun beaming through the windows.