I'm enough
I have to say 2017 was a year that i grew professionally and personally! What changed? What happened? For me, I became WAAAYYY more confident and certain in WHO i am and what i love to do and WHY. I uncovered more of my true authentic self, my identity and my belief in WHO i am and what i have to offer others is authentic and genuine. I know those things intellectually that are true about me and at seasons in my life, believed them wholeheartedly. But there are other seasons and moments where I have struggled being confident and certain. I know that i am loved by God, by Steve, my family and friends and that I add value to others and I believe it!
This past year I learned to see what the past did FOR me, and not TO me, (after some great sessions with my business coach) so my perspective changed and i didn't live in that victim mentality anymore. Now THAT is freeing. I was using history to my advantage and learned from the past. 2017 I saw CVD, myself, a stronger woman physically, spiritually, emotionally, with a confident voice, a deeper love for Jesus and overflowing love for others. Now, let me say that I don't do this perfectly every day. It doesn't take much to look at social media, the gym, your office, wherever and measure yourself against someone else and feel less than. It certainly gains you and me nothing, we don't feel better but feel worse. I AM enough, YOU are enough. I am gaining my own voice, loving the certainty of my identity and WHO i am, and thankful for all that God has done in my life! IT FEELS SO AWESOME!
If you struggle with this, you are not alone. If I can help at all, I'd love to.
Family Vacation 2017