JUMP Start 2018, Healthy Cleanse
HEALTHY CLEANSE! Join steve and I JAN. 8!
If you are like us, we still have New Year's Eve celebrating and finishing off the cookies and baked goods from the Holidays, and are looking into 2018 with HOPES to get into better shape and eating healthier! Can you relate? Well...
I want you to PLAN for your FRESH START in 2018 and make some changes to YOUR healthy eating. Steve is going Paleo, dropping the alcohol and watching his sugar intake. BUT to START OFF, he and I are doing this 7 DAY CLEANSE, that is safe, with 4 carefully selected Shaklee supplements and a supporting diet plan that will detoxify our liver, gut, colon and blood. These products are beyond organic, safe, tested and lead the industry in the highest standards.
This is what we are going to FEEL from the cleanse...
*a kick-start in our weight loss and hunger management
*increased focus and energy levels
*improved sleep quality and clarity of thinking
*and a JUMP start to our positive nutrition changes
If you are looking to cut sugar, go Whole 30, Paleo, this is a GREAT START to the beginning of those diet changes to get your body detoxified safely and correctly!
LET ME KNOW SOON! IF you want to JOIN ME! So you can get your products ordered and delivered to you
** BONUS, there's a FREE MEMBERSHIP ($19.95 value) with NO minimum order till the end of Jan. 2018! Which is a SWEET DEAL (I've only seen this 2X in the 10 years I've been with Shaklee, so take advantage!)
If you want some FREE nutrition consulting, please let me know! I am here to help! www.christinevandiest.com
Get Healthy - Join Us