Posts tagged hormones
Hormones and Belly Fat

Yes, it is frustrating! Guys, this isn't just for women. Many of us over 35 are struggling with changes and belly fat. What in the world is causing it? How can I take steps to get control over my hormones? How do I get rid of belly fat? What are macros and how do they fit in?
This past week a colleague of mine, Shawna, and I hosted a Hormone and Belly Fat Webinar. I think you'll find the content helpful.

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Balancing Hormones

Symptoms of Hormonal imbalance include: bloating, fatigue, irritability, hair loss, heart palpitations, mood swings, acne, problems with blood sugar, trouble concentrating, infertility & menopausal symptoms.

When progesterone is in balance with estrogen, it calms you, brings feelings of peacefulness, and promotes sleep. But when they are imbalanced or when the relaxation hormone drops too dramatically, calmness can give way to irritability, anxiety, depression, sleepless nights, and brain fog.

Your hormones play an integral role in your overall health. Sadly, stress increases the severity of these symptoms and with our COVID situation right now we are at risk for long term health issues if we don't take charge now.
There is so much we CAN do... so JOIN US for a zoom discussion this Tuesday.

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